Sunday, July 1, 2007

Garlic Scapes

Garlic Scapes are delicious! Unfortunately, we only have them for 2 weeks a year, so you wont be seeing them again until next year.....

Use them as you would cloves of garlic, chop them up and saute them with greens, chop them or grate them into a pulp ( using a micro plane or rasp ) for marinades and sauces or use them fresh in salads and such. They last quite a while in the fridge, so hang onto a few.

1 comment:

Amy said...

These are yummy. My husband Joe doesn't like onions, especially green onions. But he likes scapes, so I have been thinly slicing the scapes and using them in place of green onions. They give a garlic kick and a touch of color to boring dishes. Too bad their season is so short.