Here at the Sippel Family Farm we grow Muskmelon ( cantelope) and small watermelons. Not many recipes for these. The CROWS are loving the watermelons, lets hope they dont sample too many!
This is a place for members to share their favorite recipes and ways of using their CSA vegetables! Have a question? Why not ask someone!
Ahhh...Cabbage Season! One of my favorites! Did you know that if people ate more cabbage in their diet ( this is science...) that we would have far fewer intestinal ailments in this country? It's true! Brassicas are the best thing you can do for your body! We grow severl types fo cabbage, this is the traditional green cabbage, we also grow red, savoy ( crinkly kind), and Napa ( Chinese Cabbage).
Of course, Cole slaw is a given. We use cabbage all year long, its the one thing we buy at the grocery when we run out in the winter. We like to sautee it with onions and add caraway seeds to the mixture, serve this with Pierogies ( mashed potatoes inside a pasta shell, can be found in the freezer section, or made from scratch) or add ground beef and put it inside pizza dough like a calzone! In the clazone, I would also add a TBS of vinegar to the cabbage-onion-beef-caraway mixture.
Shredded cabbage with a little lime juice on it makes a great topping for FISH TACOS!!! Our official favorite food! We use talapia, but red snapper is traditional- Toss fresh fish sliced into strips in seasoned flour, deep fry for a few minutes until crispy. Place in a soft corn tortilla with cliantro, shredded cabbage and sauce ( mix 2 TBS mayo with 1/4 cup sopur cream, the juice of 1 lime and 1/4 tsp celery seed) Yummy!